Available online since Janury 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52728/ijss.v2i1

Published: Jan 28, 2021

Relationship between Group Cohesiveness and Interpersonal Communication on Organizational Commitment of Elementary School Teachers in the Dahlia Cluster

1-10 Junaidi Junaidi
Read Statistic: 368
Pdf Downloads: 417

Economic Analysis Affecting Tourist Demand on the Number of Visitors to the Gondoriah Pariaman Beach Tourism Object

11-20 Suhatman Suhatman, Nasfi Nasfi
Read Statistic: 236
Pdf Downloads: 265

Measuring The Performance of Teachers of SMPN 6 Cilegon Based on Self-Concept and Teaching Motivation

21-28 Abdul Karim
Read Statistic: 144
Pdf Downloads: 214

Indonesia's role as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in Assisting the Resolution of Conflict in Afghanistan for the 2019-2020 Period

29-40 Khoirunnisa Jubaidi, Maisarti Razali Budiman
Read Statistic: 1229
Pdf Downloads: 568

Employee Engagement as An Effort to Improve Work Performance: Literature Review

41-49 Dian Bagus Mitreka Satata
Read Statistic: 6276
Pdf Downloads: 3871

Reflections on Viral Poetry “Paskah” on the Existence of Indonesian Religious Diversity


50-54 Achmad Muhajir Muhajir
Read Statistic: 229
Pdf Downloads: 218

Relationship of Situational Leadership Style of Principal and School Climate to Teacher Integrity PAUD at Gambir Sub-District Central Jakarta

55-63 Wanto Wanto
Read Statistic: 274
Pdf Downloads: 281

PAI Curriculum Innovation In Public College To Improve Student Competency

64-72 Muhammad Arifin Arifin
Read Statistic: 187
Pdf Downloads: 269

Islamic Religious Education And Multiculturalism

Islamic Religious Education

73-80 Apipudin Syarif
Read Statistic: 175
Pdf Downloads: 302

Algorithm Configuration K-Nearest To Clarification Medicine Tree Based On Extraction, Variation Of Color, Texture And Shape Of Leaf

81-91 Ardhi Dinullah Baihaqie, Rayung Wulan
Read Statistic: 244
Pdf Downloads: 266