Available online since April 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52728/ijss.v2i2

Published: Apr 28, 2021

Drawing Art with Motivational Interviewing to Solve the Social Skills Problems of Teenagers at SMP 1 Wonosari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta

92-104 Atifah Hanum Suparjiya, Nurus Sa'adah
Read Statistic: 414
Pdf Downloads: 437

The Role of the Arabic Teacher in the Spread of Islam in Nusantara

105-112 Nur Ali
Read Statistic: 263
Pdf Downloads: 455

Waqf Based Education Independence In Making Islamic Education Institutions Quality

113-117 Eddy Saputra
Read Statistic: 178
Pdf Downloads: 269

Strengthening Character Education Of Students In Nonformal Education In Public Education

118-123 Achmad Muhajir
Read Statistic: 173
Pdf Downloads: 243

Implementation of Lebong Regent Regulation Number 32 of 2014 Regarding the Preparation of Public Service Standards

124-130 Yohanes Susanto, Shinta Wiji Rahayu
Read Statistic: 189
Pdf Downloads: 233

Ambivalence in Wieteke Van Dort’s Geef Mij Maar Nasi Goreng

131-137 Putut Handoko, Hariyono, Cahyaningsih Pujimahanani
Read Statistic: 414
Pdf Downloads: 337

Does Health Protocol Contribute to the Indonesia’s Economic Growth in COVID 19 Pandemic?

138-144 Wiwin Priana, Dewi Khrisna Sawitri
Read Statistic: 338
Pdf Downloads: 334

Updating Potential Soft Skills For Telecommuters In A Home-Work Double Situations In The Covid 19 Pandemic

145-151 Hesty Prima Rini, Dewi Khrisna Sawitri
Read Statistic: 504
Pdf Downloads: 464