Available online since July 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52728/ijss.v1i3

Published: Jul 30, 2020

The Effect of Theoretical University Courses Towards Practical Work Result Based on Learning Motivation

82-87 Dwi Anggaini, Titi Ratnasari, Miftahul Fikri
Read Statistic: 229
Pdf Downloads: 270

Innovative Development of Mobile Application for Qibla Direction Guidance Services Training

88-102 Fajar Fathurahman
Read Statistic: 473
Pdf Downloads: 372

Online-Based Learning Problematics Between Needs, Readiness And Implications On The Purity Of Learning Outcomes

online based learning, needs, purity of learning outcomes

103-109 Eddy Saputra
Read Statistic: 190
Pdf Downloads: 292

Learning Assessment With Portofolio

110-117 Nurhasan Nurhasan
Read Statistic: 183
Pdf Downloads: 250

The Character Education in Topeng Malangan Dance Tradition According Transpersonal Psychology Perspective

118-123 Kukuh Setyo Pambudi
Read Statistic: 216
Pdf Downloads: 269

Growing Soul Entrepreneurs Among Ahmad Technology And Business Institute Students Dahlan Jakarta Through Learning Method Student Centered Learning

124-130 Novfitri Landong Namora Sihombing
Read Statistic: 127
Pdf Downloads: 207

The Innovation of Traditional Education System in Islamic Boarding Schools Based on Modernization

131-140 M. Chozin Machmud
Read Statistic: 310
Pdf Downloads: 358

The Islamic Islamic Religious Education Learning System

Islamic Religious Education Learning System Through a Contextual Model of Teaching and Learning Based Improving the Thinking Ability of Madrasah Students in Islamic Boarding Schools

141-148 Fajrul Munir Fairuz
Read Statistic: 257
Pdf Downloads: 296

An Islamic Boarding Schools As Means Of Regeneration In The Development Of Da'wah

149-157 Mahmud Fauzi Suali
Read Statistic: 219
Pdf Downloads: 254

The Character Education According to Ki Hadjar Dewantara's View in Forming Gold Generations in The Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

158-165 Sanudin Ranam
Read Statistic: 354
Pdf Downloads: 607