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Education plays an essential role in every process of improving the quality and progress of the nation. Quality human resources are needed in building society in a country in the current industrial era 4.0. One of the ways is by improving the quality of education in educating the human resources owned by the State. The function of this particular examine was actually towards discuss the mediating impact of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in between emotional intelligence as well as spiritual intelligence on the efficiency of lecturers in higher institutions of business economics in Surabaya. Besides, this examine likewise intends towards identify the degree of these three variables' affect on efficiency. This kind of research study is actually quantitatively connected with a study technique performed towards academic personnel within this particular situation. The sampling method is actually symmetrical arbitrary sampling. The outcomes revealed a partial arbitration impact in between emotional intelligence as well as spiritual intelligence on the mentor staff's efficiency, within this particular situation, the lecturers. These three variables likewise have actually a considerable impact on the efficiency of lecturers at higher institutions of business economics in Surabaya.


Lecturer Performance Emotional Intelligence Spiritual Intelligence Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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How to Cite
Radiany, A., & Radiany, A. A. (2021). Mediation Effects Organizational Citizenship Behavior Between Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence on Lecturer Performance at The College Economics. Ilomata International Journal of Management, 2(2), 72-81.


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