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This research aims to understand the trajectory of BSI in the capital market by using trend analysis and identifying the challenges faced in its development. This research uses qualitative research methods, namely content analysis of papers from the Google Scholar database, the OJK website, and the Indonesian data portal. The research object here is an analysis of the development of Islamic banks in the capital market, using trend analysis. The research results show that stock price forecasting, earnings per share forecasting, and ROE forecasting are assumed to remain stable at a certain level every year. In the stock price forecasting graph it produces an R squared value in percent of around 41.25%, in earnings per share forecasting it produces an R squared value in percent of around 95.61%, and in ROE forecasting it produces an R squared value in percent of around 87.75%. This only shows historical and projected data, without showing the factors that influence share price movements, earnings per share, and ROE. Therefore, keep in mind that this data is only part of the factors that need to be considered when making an investment


BSI Development Capital Market Bank BSI

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How to Cite
Nasution, N. D. P., Harahap, M. I., Anggraini, T., & Nuh, R. (2024). Analysis of the Development of Islamic Banks in the Capital Market: (Case Study of Indonesian Islamic Banks). Ilomata International Journal of Management, 5(3), 947-963.


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