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Remote studying and working pose challenges to personal development. In this environment, knowledge sharing is essential for improvement and serves as a vital organizational tool. However, many Open University students remain unaware of the benefits derived from active engagement in Virtual Teams. This research examines the impact of knowledge sharing and skill application in virtual team sessions, focusing on the Master of Management program at the Indonesia Open University. A qualitative method through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with 40 'the Ready to Contribute' (Siap Berkarya) participants was employed. Key themes identified include leadership effectiveness, digital culture assimilation, self-efficacy, work-life balance, and the potential evolution of human resource management. The study underscores the importance of transparent communication, mutual trust, and effective coordination for virtual team functionality. It contributes to organizational policy development, emphasizes digital well-being's significance in today's digital age, and enhances understanding of virtual teams' complex dynamics.


Knowledge Sharing Virtual Teams Focus Group Discussions Leadership Effectiveness Self-Efficacy

Article Details

Author Biographies

Sri Yusriani, Open University

Sri Yusriani is a postgraduate student and assistant lecturer at Universitas Terbuka, boasts a rich academic and professional background. She completed high school at SMU YKPP 1 Komperta Plaju Palembang in 2001, studied Geography at Universitas Negeri Padang, and pursued Arabic Language Education at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (2002-2005). She holds a Communications Science degree from Indonesia Open University (2005-2008) and learned Polish language from Jagiellonian University, Krakow (2010-2012). Recently, she impressively completed her thesis defense at Indonesia Open University on January 22, 2024. Professionally adept in supply chain management at FK Distribution Denmark and a part-time contributor to ICRC Denmark since May 2022, Yusriani is also an established writer. She has earned accolades including first place in both an English Speech contest and Islamic Short Story Writing in Indonesia. Beyond lecturing, she mentors over 50 authors and co-authors of scientific papers, underscoring her commitment to knowledge, skill enhancement, and community service.

Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro, Indonesia Open University

 Dr. Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro  is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economic and Business, Indonesia Open University. He currently holds the position of Functional Head of Management. He obtained his Doctoral degree from Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta, Indonesia. Dr. Patiro has published several books and scientific works in Scopus and Sinta-indexed journals. As a senior lecturer and head of the department, he consistently motivates his students to excel. He has a keen interest in scientific writing and is an expert in quantitative research.

Endi Rekarti, Open University

Doctor with research interest in Entrepreunership, Marketing Science, Organization, Strategic Management. Dr. Endi Rekarti is the main mentor for FORKOMPROMI, a platform for communication and creativity within the MM Program, where students and alumni collaborate at the Open University Postgraduate School.

Charisma Rahmat Pamungkas, Open University

Charisma Pamungakas is a postgraduate student in Universitas Terbuka with 10+ years professional careers in marketing and communication related fields. Having graduated the 29th Jakarta Senior High School, he attended History bachelor degree in Universitas Indonesia (2009-2013) and now pursuing his master degree of Marketing Management.

Nunung Nurbaeti, Open University

Nunung Nurbaeti is Postgraduate student of Universitas Terbuka, a writer, and an alumnus of the undergraduate program at Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia. She has a keen interest in scientific writing. Nunung has worked remotely as a teaching assistant for approximately 10 years. She was awarded a consolation prize in a Ramadan storytelling event in 2020. Her publications have been presented at several international conferences.

How to Cite
Yusriani, S., Patiro, S. P. S., Rekarti, E., Pamungkas, C. R., & Nurbaeti, N. (2024). Analyzıng the Impact of Knowledge Sharıng in Vırtual Teams: Practıcal Evıdence from Indonesıa Open Unıversıty. Ilomata International Journal of Management, 5(2).


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