Ilomata International Journal of Social Science 2025-02-21T09:02:40+00:00 Novianita Rulandari Open Journal Systems <p>The <strong>Ilomata International Journal of Social Science</strong>, with ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2714-8998 (online)</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2714-898X (print)</a>, is a leading <a href="">open-access</a>, peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality research in the field of social science. Since its establishment, the journal has been dedicated to advancing knowledge across diverse disciplines, including sociology, education, law, political science, public administration, communication, and other related fields. Managed by the <a href="">Yayasan Sinergi Kawula Muda</a>, this journal upholds rigorous scholarly standards, providing a platform for original research articles, case studies, and reviews.</p> <p>Published quarterly in collaboration with the <a href="">Asosiasi Peneliti dan Pengajar Ilmu Sosial Indonesia</a>, the Ilomata International Journal of Social Science offers a globally accessible resource for scholars and practitioners in the field. The journal’s mission is to foster interdisciplinary perspectives and promote innovative approaches to addressing societal challenges through social science research.</p> <p>As an indexed journal in <a href="">Science Technology Index (SINTA) Indonesia</a>, <a href="">Garba Referral Digital (GARUDA)</a>, <a href=";authuser=3&amp;user=Smvw_IYAAAAJ%20">Google Scholar</a>, <a href=";from_ui=yes">Crossref</a>, and <a href="">Dimensions</a>, the Ilomata International Journal of Social Science&nbsp;is widely recognized and cited, with a notable presence in the&nbsp;<a href=";sort=cp-f&amp;st1=Ilomata+International+Journal+of+Tax+and+Accounting&amp;sid=08f161d84a0515763336b0837dc27995&amp;sot=b&amp;sdt=b&amp;sl=56&amp;s=ALL%28Ilomata+International+Journal+of+Social+Science%29&amp;cl=t&amp;ss=plf-f&amp;ws=r-f&amp;ps=r-f&amp;cs=r-f&amp;origin=searchbasic&amp;zone=queryBar&amp;sessionSearchId=08f161d84a0515763336b0837dc27995&amp;limit=10">Scopus database</a>. With its commitment to providing free and unlimited access to its articles, the journal ensures that researchers, educators, and professionals benefit from the latest insights without publication fees, enhancing knowledge-sharing and global accessibility.</p> <p>The Ilomata International Journal of Social Science welcomes contributions that align with its broad focus on social science, encompassing empirical research, theoretical analysis, and comprehensive reviews. This journal serves as an invaluable resource for lecturers, academics, and practitioners, facilitating collaboration, innovation, and applied research in various disciplines of social science.</p> <p><a href="">Please read further explanations of our focus and scope</a></p> Strategies for Municipal Bond Issuance in Financing Regional Development in the West Java Provincial Government 2023-2024 Case Study 2024-12-21T04:31:16+00:00 Bondan Widyatmoko Nurliah Nurdin Edy Sutrisno <p>The need for infrastructure development in West Java Province during 2018-2023 is IDR 861.9 trillion, while the local budget (APBD) capacity is only IDR 54.9 trillion, so there is a gap in financing needs of IDR 807 trillion. The West Java Provincial Government can use municipal bonds as an alternative for regional development financing, but this opportunity has yet to be utilized. This study aims to analyze the obstacles to issuing municipal bonds in West Java Province and establish issuance strategies. The bond success theory, according to Hardwood (2000), and the municipal bond aspect theory, according to Djaenuri (2012), are used to answer the research question. The methodologies used involve qualitative study. Data was obtained through document reviews and interviews. The results revealed that the obstacles are the commitment of the governor, project selections, regulation of the minister of finance regarding procedures for issuing municipal bonds that have yet to be published, and the readiness of the DMU. The strategies that can be implemented are commitment, project selection, regulatory, and DMU preparation strategies.<br>Keywords: Municipal Bond, Infrastructure Financing, Creative Financing</p> 2024-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bondan Widyatmoko, Nurliah Nurdin, Edy Sutrisno K-Pop and Buying Behavior: A Study of Self-Regulation on Students' Purchase Intention in a K-Pop Era 2024-12-21T04:31:13+00:00 Febi Sania Rahmah Anjarie Dharmastuti Kukuh Setyo Pambudi Basma Tania Bintang Mutia Rahmah <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Indonesia has now entered the era of globalization. The era of globalization is when each country's culture blends into a global culture. One of the popular cultures favored in Indonesia is Korean POP culture. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between self-regulation and purchase intention for products advertised by K-Pop artists among students. The population in this study consists of K-Pop fan students. The sample used in this research was 105 students. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. There were two instruments used in this study. First, the Short Self-Regulation Scale (SSR), which consists of nine question items, developed by Tresnadiani and Taufik (2020). Second, a scale adapted from the product purchase intention scale for Honda products developed by Wicaksono (2015), which consists of eight question items. These two scales were distributed through various social media platforms to collect research data. After collecting the research data, the data were analyzed using parametric analysis, with hypothesis testing using the Spearman correlation test. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS version 26. The results of the Spearman correlation test showed a significance value in the Sig. (2-tailed) section of 0.002 (0.002 &lt; 0.05), indicating that there is a relationship between self-regulation and purchase intention for products advertised by K-Pop artists. The Pearson correlation result was 0.302, meaning the strength of the relationship is considered weak. The weak relationship indicates that the products advertised by K-Pop idols do not always attract the purchasing interest of K-Pop fans to buy those products. Instead, there are other factors that can influence purchasing interest, such as product quality, packaging, and price.</span></p> 2024-11-18T02:31:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Febi Sania Rahmah, Anjarie Dharmastuti, Kukuh Setyo Pambudi, Basma Tania, Bintang Mutia Rahmah Indonesia's Foreign Policy in Organizing G20 Presidency in 2022 2024-12-21T04:31:11+00:00 Feby Diah Miranti Akim Irman G. Lanti <p>&nbsp;In 2022, Indonesia will have the opportunity for the G-20 Presidency under the leadership of President Joko Widodo. Judging from Indonesia's potential and the prospects of the G-20, this study will look at what kind of foreign policy Indonesia implements in organizing the G-20. Researchers use Rosenau's adaptive theory that foreign policy occurs due to changes in external, internal, and leadership of leaders in a particular country. The study uses qualitative methods with secondary sources from books, journals, official websites, and official documents. The research results from this article show that Indonesia's foreign policy in the G-20 Presidency is preservative Adaptation, meaning that the policy has been determined by external and internal changes and the leadership of the President at that time. External factors include the effects of COVID-19, climate change, and the Russia-Ukraine war. The internal factors are structural reform, digital transformation, and employment law policies. Finally, President Joko Widodo's leadership focuses on developing and improving the Indonesian economy.</p> 2024-12-11T08:01:50+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Feby Diah Miranti, Akim, Irman G. Lanti Collaboration Governance in Realizing Balbar as an Independent Village in Kota Tidore Kepulauan 2025-02-13T02:33:11+00:00 Isra Muksin Mansyur Djamal <p>Balbar Village in Tidore Islands City is trying to realize itself as an independent village through a collaborative governance approach. This study aims to analyze how collaboration between the government, the community, the private sector, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) can accelerate the achievement of village independence. This study uses a qualitative method with data collection through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation. The results of the study show that good governance collaboration can increase the efficiency of the independent village program, but there are several obstacles, such as low community participation and lack of financial literacy. To overcome these obstacles, it is necessary to improve communication between stakeholders and empower human resources (HR) in villages.</p> 2024-12-27T08:29:32+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Isra Muksin, Mansyur Djaman Factors Affecting The Income Level of The Fishing Community are Reviewed from An Islamic Perspective 2025-02-13T02:33:10+00:00 Khairani Andini Daulay Reni Ria Armayani Juliana Nasution <p>This research is motivated by the fact that the majority of the population in Labuhanbilik Village works as fishermen with a relatively low level of community welfare, and several factors such as working capital, work experience, education level and catch on fishermen's income are still inadequate because if the supporting factors are not met, the fishermen's income will decrease. This study aims to find out and explain the influence of working capital, experience, education level, and catch on fishermen's income in Labuhanbilik Village, Central Panai District, whether it has a significant effect partially or simultaneously, and which variable is more dominant. The research method used in this study is descriptive quantitative using data collection techniques such as questionnaires, interviews, and observation. Data analysis techniques to answer hypotheses use multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The study results show that working capital, work experience, and catch per day significantly affect monthly income. In contrast, education level does not affect monthly income. And the variable for Fishermen's Income in Labuhanbilik Village is the working capital variable with a calculated T value of 2,792 with a significance value of 0.008.</p> 2025-01-09T10:11:10+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Khairani Andini Daulay, Reni Ria Armayani, Juliana Nasution The Phenomenon of Social Deviation in School-Age Adolescents: A Sociological Perspective 2025-02-13T02:33:09+00:00 Suci Annisa Pangesti Nuriza Dora <p>This study aims to explore the phenomenon of social deviance among school-age adolescents from a sociological perspective. Social deviance refers to behavior or actions that deviate from social norms or standards accepted in society. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method to understand various forms of social deviance that occur among adolescents, such as substance abuse, criminal behavior, and other actions that are considered to violate norms. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with adolescents, parents, and educators, as well as field observations in schools and communities. The findings of the study indicate that factors such as peer pressure, lack of parental supervision, and personal dissatisfaction play a significant role in influencing deviant behavior. In addition, social structures and cultural norms also contribute to the community's understanding and response to such deviance. This study underlines the importance of interventions involving various parties, including families, schools, and communities, to address social deviance and support positive adolescent development. The results of this study are expected to provide valuable insights for policy makers, educators, and social practitioners in designing strategies for preventing and handling social deviance among adolescents.</p> 2025-01-09T10:15:14+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Suci Annisa Pangesti, Nuriza Dora The Application of Human Resource Accounting on the Financial Performance of Insurance Companies in Indonesia 2022-2023 2025-02-13T02:33:07+00:00 Ine Suci Hamidah Maria Theresia Heni Widyarti Ardian Widiarto <p>This study is conducted to analyze how insurance companies in Indonesia treat their human resources as assets and their effect on financial performance when the costs incurred are disclosed as assets in the financial statements presented. This research uses the secondary data of insurance companies listed in Indonesia stock exchange in 2022-2023 and uses an experimental method with a one group pretest-posttest design approach. The steps carried out are to simulate applying human resource accounting to the company's financial statements, to compare its financial performance by calculating, and statistically testing the financial ratios of return on assets, assets turnover and profit margin. The study found that insurance companies in Indonesia still apply conventional methods in their financial statements. applying human resource accounting increases the value of assets, equity, and total profit of the company. It also increases the value of return on assets and profit margin, but decreases the value of the company's asset turnover.</p> 2025-01-09T10:20:51+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ine Suci Hamidah, Maria Theresia Heni Widyarti, ARDIAN WIDIARTO The Role of Women’s Leadership in Enhancing Work-Life Balance and Flexible Work Arrangements: A Study in the Financial Industry 2025-02-13T02:33:05+00:00 Nataliana Bebasari Parulian Parulian Daspar Daspar <p>This study analyzes&nbsp; the influence of women's leadership on implementing flexible work arrangements (FWA), with work-life balance (WLB) acting as a mediator, in the financial industry in West Java and Jakarta. Using a quantitative approach, data were collected from 110 respondents working in various financial institutions and analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings reveal that women’s leadership significantly and positively affects the adoption of FWA, primarily through its impact on employees' WLB. Women leaders are shown to have a deeper understanding of the importance of balancing work and personal life, which fosters the successful implementation of flexible work practices. This research contributes to the existing literature on women's leadership, work-life balance, and flexible work policies, particularly in the financial sector. From a practical standpoint, the results provide important insights for organizations aiming to develop leadership strategies and inclusive work policies that promote employee well-being and organizational effectiveness through better WLB and FWA practices.</p> 2025-01-14T02:03:15+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Nataliana Bebasari, Parulian Parulian, Daspar Daspar Caregivers Role in Fostering Independence of Children with Special Needs at Bhakti Luhur Dormitory 2025-02-13T02:33:06+00:00 Lorentius Goa Emmeria Tarihoran Marianus Rago Kristeno <h1>This article explores the role of caregivers in fostering independence among children with special needs at Bhakti Luhur Putra Dormitory. The study focuses on parenting strategies that enhance self-care abilities, which are crucial for improving these children's quality of life and social integration. Despite existing studies on caregiving for children with disabilities, limited attention has been given to institutional settings where personalized care and empowerment-based approaches are applied. This study uses a qualitative research methodology, utilizing interviews, observations, and document analysis to collect data from eleven Bhakti Luhur Putra Dormitory caregivers. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, participant observations, and document analysis involving eleven caregivers with significant experience. The findings highlight that emotional support, structured training, and personalized care are vital strategies for promoting independence. These approaches foster children's confidence, encourage self-reliance, and help them integrate into broader social environments. This research provides practical insights for improving caregiving practices in institutional contexts. It contributes to the literature by offering a focused understanding of how specific caregiving strategies impact the autonomy of children with special needs. Recommendations include integrating emotional intelligence and structured independence training into caregiver development programs for better developmental outcomes. The study also highlights the importance of adapting care strategies to meet the unique needs of each child, ensuring long-term benefits for their personal growth and social participation.</h1> 2025-01-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Lorentius Goa, Emmeria Tarihoran, Marianus Rago Kristeno Evaluating Socio-Economic and Safety Impacts of Grade-Separated Railway Crossings in Indonesia 2025-02-13T02:33:03+00:00 Ilham <p>This study analyzes grade-separated rail infrastructure development's socio-economic and safety impacts at railway crossings in Indonesia through Structural Equation Modeling—Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS). The research examines relationships between safety enhancement, congestion reduction, property values, local business effects, and community support. Data collection involved 450 respondents across six major crossing sites through stratified random sampling using a validated questionnaire (Cronbach's α = 0.89). Results demonstrate significant correlations between safety enhancement and community support (β = 0.678, p &lt; 0.001), traffic congestion reduction (β = 0.623, p &lt; 0.001), and property values (β = 0.589, p &lt; 0.001). The measurement model confirms robust construct reliability (CR &gt; 0.84) and validity (AVE &gt; 0.65), with community support showing strong predictive power (R² = 0.762). Findings indicate that grade-separated crossings reduce accidents while positively impacting property values and business activities. The study contributes to transportation infrastructure theory and provides evidence-based policy recommendations for sustainable development in Indonesia, emphasizing integrated safety measures with socio-economic considerations in infrastructure planning.</p> 2025-01-14T09:56:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ilham Strengthening Indonesia's Open Proportional Electoral System: A SOAR Analysis for 2024 Implementation Strategy 2025-02-13T02:33:02+00:00 Milwan Milwan Amud Sunarya Tora Akadira <h1>This research investigates the enhancement of Indonesia's Open Proportional Electoral System (OPES) through a SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) analysis to strategize its implementation for the 2024 elections. Utilizing a comprehensive literature review method, the study analyzed 984 articles from Google Scholar and 1000 from Crossref, narrowing down to eight pertinent studies published within the last three years. The SOAR analysis revealed key strengths of the OPES, including increased political plurality and direct voter engagement, while identifying opportunities for reform, such as reducing campaign financing and mitigating money politics. The aspirations highlighted a desire for greater accountability and integrity in electoral processes. Results indicated that implementing measures to limit campaign expenditures and enhance transparency could significantly reduce electoral misconduct. The study recommends establishing stricter regulations on campaign financing and fostering public awareness campaigns to educate voters on their rights and the electoral process. By addressing these challenges and leveraging existing strengths, Indonesia can strengthen its democratic practices and ensure a more equitable electoral landscape in the upcoming elections. This analysis provides a structured framework for policymakers to navigate the complexities of electoral reform effectively.</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2025-01-15T04:35:23+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Milwan Milwan, Amud Sunarya, Tora Akadira Tourism Development Strategy in Kendari City Based on Local Wisdom in Supporting National and Regional Tourism Policies 2025-02-13T02:33:00+00:00 Sitti Hairani Idrus La Ode Agus Said Siti Kadri Yanti Sari Muh. Rijal Nabila Syam <p>Kendari City has great tourism potential, both in terms of natural beauty and the richness of local wisdom. However, tourism development in Kendari City still faces various challenges, such as lack of local community involvement, promotion that has not been maximized, and inadequate infrastructure. This study aims to analyze tourism development strategies based on local wisdom to support national and regional tourism policies. The results of the study show that the development of tourism based on local wisdom can provide added value for tourism in Kendari City, both in terms of economy and cultural preservation. The recommendations submitted include increasing community involvement in the management of tourist destinations, promotion through digital media, and the development of sustainability-based infrastructure. With the implementation of this strategy, Kendari City tourism is expected to develop optimally and sustainably.</p> 2025-01-15T04:45:42+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Sitti Hairani Idrus, La Ode Agus Said, Siti Kadri Yanti Sari, Muh. Rijal, Nabila Syam Enhancing Public Services Through Residential Area Management: A Public Administration Study on the Implementation of the Regional Development and Housing Plan (RP3KP) 2025-02-13T02:32:59+00:00 widaningsih trenggana Muchtar Pupung Pundenswari <p>Improving public services is the primary goal of governance, which is focused on community welfare. One critical sector in enhancing the quality of public services is residential area management. This article examines the role of residential area management in supporting public service improvement, focusing on implementing the Regional Development and Housing Plan (RP3KP) in Tana Tidung Regency. The study aims to analyze the contribution of RP3KP to public service improvement in the housing sector and identify key success factors and challenges in its implementation. This research employs a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data was collected through policy document analysis, interviews with relevant stakeholders, and field observations. The results indicate that RP3KP has positively contributed to improving the quality of public services in the housing sector through integrated and participatory planning. The successful implementation of RP3KP is influenced by policy synergy between central and local governments, active community involvement in planning, and effective coordination among local government agencies. However, this study also identifies several challenges, such as limited resources, inadequate spatial data, and difficulties in cross-sectoral coordination. The implementation of RP3KP can potentially become a strategic model for optimizing public services in the housing sector, provided it is supported by consistent policies, efficient resource management, and enhanced institutional capacity. Practical recommendations for local governments include strengthening residential area management as an integral part of inclusive and sustainable public services.</p> 2025-01-15T07:15:02+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 widaningsih trenggana, Muchtar, Pupung Pundenswari Women's Leadership in Open and Distance Higher Education: Lessons from the VUCA Era During the COVID-19 Pandemic 2025-02-13T02:32:58+00:00 Eha Saleha Yuli Tirtariandi El Anshori Amud Sunarya Sunarya Vivi Indra Amelia Nasution <p>There is little research on women's leadership in Open and Distance Higher Education especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and times of uncertainty (VUCA) that explores women's experiences of leading a distance learning institution from home. This study describes how women managers of learning and materials services and heads of administration lead Universitas Terbuka from home in the implementation of the first phase of lockdown in Indonesia in 2020. Data collected in a narrative manner with in-depth interviews with four women about conscious experiences women lead the Jakarta and Serang regional offices of Universitas Terbuka. Leading from home requires extra energy for women at the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, family support, technology and internet networks greatly affect the process of women's leadership in Universitas Terbuka. Work from home starting from office hours until late at night with commitment, proactive, trust and able to make decisions quickly with leadership and other staff through Microsoft Teams and Zoom. In addition, women leaders continue to communicate and coordinate via Whats-app group, personal communication and work email. The experience of working from home for women who lead open, and distance higher education can be a positive picture behind the worrisome condition of the Covid-19 pandemic in the world.</p> 2025-01-20T09:26:15+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Amud Sunarya Sunarya, Eha Saleha, Yuli Tirtariandi El Anshori, Vivi Indra Amelia Nasution Indonesia-South Korea Defense Cooperation In Indonesian Defense Diplomacy: Opportunities And Challenges 2025-02-13T02:32:57+00:00 Hikmah Fatrianshar Chandra Purnama Arry Bainus <p>This research focuses on understanding Indonesia's defense diplomacy efforts in strengthening defense cooperation with South Korea. This research specifically looks at opportunities and challenges in defense cooperation between Indonesia and South Korea using defense diplomacy. This study uses a qualitative method using two types of data: primary data through interviews and secondary data collected from various sources such as electronic publications and electronic media. This study finds that Indonesia has built defense diplomacy that opens up new opportunities for defense cooperation and strives to overcome challenges in defense cooperation between the two countries through various forms of defense diplomacy. This study concludes that Indonesia's defense cooperation with South Korea in Indonesia's defense diplomacy is a strategic step to improve Indonesia's defense capabilities. The implications of the results of this study are to improve the quality and quantity of bilateral contacts between military defense officials and defense diplomacy strategies and show the importance of defense diplomacy in maintaining relations with other countries.&nbsp;</p> 2025-01-22T03:07:37+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Hikmah Fatrianshar Biography of A.M. Sangadji in History Learning: Strengthening Nationalism and Student Leadership 2025-02-13T02:32:55+00:00 Nur Aida Kubangun Gazali Far-Far Johan Pattiasina <p>This research uses the Library Research method because the data is obtained through various sources in the form of books, excyclopedias, journals, documents, etc. In general, the data contained in research results are obtained from articles published online in various national journals, and research reports from the Maluku TP2GD Team, as well as articles published in online media that are relevant to the research. The steps taken include collecting library data, reading, taking notes, and comparing literature and then processing it and producing conclusions. Meanwhile, the data analysis used is content analysis. The data collected is descriptive textual data, so processing the data uses analysis according to its content, which is called content analysis. The research results explain that A.M.'s struggle. Sangadji was hit by a spirit of nationalism due to policies implemented by the Dutch East Indies government which tended to be unfair to the native people. Apart from that, the meaning of leadership for an A.M. Sangadji is more about the role and function of a leader. This means that the leader understands only his structural position, but more about his role in fighting for the interests of the wider community without looking at a particular region or region. So the biography of A.M. Sangadji, when applied as a learning resource in history learning, can strengthen students' spirit of nationalism and leadership.</p> 2025-01-23T04:11:38+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Nur Aida Kubangun, Gazali Far-Far, Johan Pattiasina The Political Education Strategy of the Golkar Party for Constituents: Challenges and Its Impact on Local Political Participation 2025-02-13T02:32:54+00:00 Arisman Sabir Yanti Murni Rini Afrianti Dhini Mufti Fitri Yanti Fauziah <p>This research aims to analyze the role of the Golkar Party in providing political education to its constituents. Political education is an essential part of democracy development, enabling society to understand their rights and responsibilities in the political process. Through various programs and activities, the Golkar Party seeks to enhance political awareness among the public and build an understanding of the political system, public policies, and the electoral process. This study employs a qualitative approach with a case study method in several areas where the Golkar Party has a strong support base. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and document studies. The findings indicate that the political education conducted by the Golkar Party plays a crucial role in increasing political participation among constituents, although there are challenges regarding the effectiveness and consistency of the programs. This research provides insights into the strategies used by political parties to influence public political understanding and its implications for local political dynamics.</p> 2025-01-23T09:06:02+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 arisman aris, Yanti Murni, dhini mufti mufti, Fitri Yanti, Rini Afrianti The Influence of Self-Concept on Feelings of Insecurity Among Students Using Social Media: Study of Instagram and TikTok 2025-02-13T02:32:53+00:00 Fara Marisha marisha Kukuh Setyo Pambudi Basma Tania Alya Zulfani Nugroho <p>In this modern era, there are more and more social media users. Instagram and TikTok are social media that are widely used by various age groups, from children to adults. Feelings of insecurity can arise as an influence of social media, because from social media we can see people who are more than us. Feelings of insecurity are feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, feelings of always lacking within oneself. Therefore, it is necessary to have a positive or high self-concept, self-concept is an individual's way of viewing himself, self-knowledge, self-assessment and what the individual wants. The aim of this research is to see the influence of self-concept on insecurity in male students who use Instagram and Tiktok. The method used in this research is a quantitative causality approach, the sampling technique used is purposive sampling with the criteria being male college students, aged 18-25 years, Instagram and Tiktok users. A questionnaire containing self-concept and insecurity scales was distributed online via WhatsApp, Instagram and Twitter. After data collection, a simple linear regression hypothesis test was carried out, obtaining a significance value of 0.00 &lt;0.05, so it can be concluded that there is an influence between self-concept and insecurity in male college students who use Instagram and Tiktok.</p> 2025-01-24T09:48:51+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Fara Marisha marisha, Kukuh Setyo Pambudi, Basma Tania, Alya Zulfani Nugroho Investigation of The Extent To Which Tourists Behave In Ways To Protect Environmental In The Community-Based Tourism Sector 2025-02-13T02:32:52+00:00 Sri Ismulyati Hubertina Karolina Ngarbingan Ginta Ginting <h1 style="margin-top: 6.0pt; text-align: justify; tab-stops: 251.25pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Garamond',serif; color: windowtext;">The study aims to analyse determinant factors influencing environmental responsibility in the tourism sector, especially community-based tourism (tourism villages). It explores the influence of place attachment, place identity and environmental knowledge on tourists' environmental responsibility by using socially responsible behaviour and personal norms as moderating variables. The quantitative research method tested casual hypotheses as unified model data from 210 tourists who visited 3 tourist villages in the Yogyakarta area, namely Bleberan, Pakarsari and Nglinggo. The data was analysed using SEM-LISREL 8. Research findings revealed that place attachment, identity, and environmental knowledge directly influence responsible behaviour. The study also found that destination social responsibility moderates the influence of place dependence on environmental responsibility, but it does not moderate the influence of place identity on environmental responsibility. An interesting finding from this research is that personal norms moderate the influence of environmental knowledge on responsible behaviour. Research findings can contribute to understanding tourists' environmental responsibility by comprehensively using a unified structural model, considering aspects of place attachment and knowledge about the environment as determinants that are strengthened by social responsibility and personal norms that influence responsible tourist behavior.</span></h1> 2025-01-30T07:39:42+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Hubertina Karolina Ngarbingan Implementing of the Local Government Information System Policy in Financial Report Preparation For Local Government Units: A Case Study in Baubau City 2025-02-17T04:15:38+00:00 Alvian Amar Amaruddin Rasmuin Rahmawati <p>This study explores the implementation of the Regional Government Information System (SIPD) in preparing financial reports of Local Government Units (SKPD)in the DPRD Secretariat of Baubau City. The study addresses how decentralized governance and transparency can be enhanced through e-government initiatives like SIPD, which integrates local financial data electronically. Despite clear policy guidelines outlined in various regulations, the research identifies challenges in human resource limitations, insufficient Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and inadequate infrastructure. Using a qualitative descriptive approach with interviews and document analysis, the study finds that although the implementation of SIPD supports transparency and accountability, its effectiveness is hindered by technical issues such as staff competency and system infrastructure. This research contributes to understanding public policy implementation, specifically within SIPD, while suggesting resource allocation and inter-departmental coordination improvements to enhance e-governance practices in local financial management.</p> 2025-01-30T07:47:09+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 rahmawati rahmawati Biological and Social Impacts of Implementing Artificial Intelligence-Based Economic Policies: A Discourse Analysis 2025-02-13T02:32:49+00:00 Theodora Pearl De-Veer George Akwetey Justa Sentre <p>Introduction/Main Objectives: This manuscript investigates the biological and social ramifications of AI-powered economic policies, aiming to elucidate the multifaceted impacts of artificial intelligence on societal structures and health outcomes. Background Problems: The rapid integration of AI technologies into economic frameworks raises critical ethical concerns, including algorithmic bias and accountability, which can exacerbate existing social inequalities. Additionally, the implications for human-AI interaction in healthcare settings necessitate a deeper understanding of how these technologies affect patient outcomes and clinician practices. Methods: A discourse analysis was conducted on ten peer-reviewed articles, focusing on themes such as ethical accountability, human-AI interaction, social equity, and workforce dynamics. Findings: The analysis revealed four primary themes: (1) Ethical and Accountability Challenges, highlighting the necessity for robust frameworks to address algorithmic bias; (2) Human-AI Interaction and Its Biological Implications, emphasizing the need for clinician training and AI literacy; (3) Social Equity and Access Issues, underscoring the risk of exacerbating existing disparities; and (4) Economic Impact and Workforce Dynamics, pointing to the dual-edged nature of AI's integration into economic policies. Conclusions: The findings underscore the imperative for policymakers to develop ethical guidelines and promote AI literacy while implementing strategies for workforce reskilling. By addressing these challenges, society can harness the transformative potential of AI technologies while safeguarding social equity and enhancing health outcomes.</p> 2025-01-31T02:09:43+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Theodora Pearl De-Veer, George Akwetey, Justa Sentre Sustainable Consumer Purchasing Behavior as a Result of Kopi Kenangan's Sustainable Business Practices 2025-02-19T07:43:16+00:00 Deddy Muharman Ahmad Achdan Chair Farah Dewi Arifin <p>The coffee industry has become one of the sectors receiving increasing attention in the context of sustainability, both from environmental and social perspectives. As awareness grows about the importance of sustainability, consumer purchasing behavior towards coffee brands has also become a primary focus of research. This study builds upon previous research titled "Sustainable Business of Kopi Kenangan as a Startup Company in Improving the Company's Reputation and Competitiveness." This prior study, completed in 2024, concluded that sustainable business is a crucial strategy for startups to enhance reputation and competitiveness. Kopi Kenangan serves as a successful example of a startup that has integrated sustainable business practices, achieving notable success. The importance of sustainable business in boosting a startup's reputation and competitiveness is emphasized by financial and strategic benefits such as cost savings, increased productivity, improved reputation, and greater competitiveness. This study, as a continuation, explores how sustainable business is viewed from the perspective of one of the company's stakeholders: consumers. According to a 2023 Nielsen survey, 75% of respondents indicated that they are more likely to choose products from companies with clear and measurable sustainability programs, while 68% of respondents consider ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors in their purchasing decisions. The current research focuses on Kopi Kenangan, a company facing increasingly fierce competition in the coffee industry. Therefore, the question arises as to how consumer purchasing behavior towards the Kopi Kenangan brand is influenced by sustainability aspects. This study will attempt to answer whether consumers are more likely to choose brands that demonstrate a commitment to environmental and social well-being and how factors such as environmental awareness, social justice, and corporate transparency influence consumer purchasing preferences.</p> 2025-02-19T07:42:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Deddy Muharman, Ahmad Achdan Chair , Farah Dewi Arifin Developing a Prototype of a Self-Regulated Learning-Based Learning Model for English Language Learning for Junior High School 2025-02-20T03:36:07+00:00 Cayandrawati Sutiono Novita Triana Elvina Arapah Sirajuddin Kamal <p>This study aims to develop a prototype learning model based on self-regulated learning for students who study English at Junior High School, and find effective strategies to support teachers in adopting and adapting self-regulated learning-based learning in their English classes. The era of globalization requires mastery of English language to access global information, communicate among countries, and increase competitiveness. The 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision [5} also emphasizes the importance of developing the quality of human resources, including English language. However, data show that Indonesia English language proficiency is still low according to EF English Proficiency Index. Also, one of the main challenges is the very limited use of English language in daily life. The conditions mentioned above are challenges for the autonomous learning of high school students. Therefore, a teaching and learning model facilitating students with the ability to systematically manage their learning process is really needed to achieve their learning goals. The components of SRL include cognitive strategies, beliefs and motivation, and resource management. The self-regulated learning-based learning model is seen as the right solution to improve students' self-regulated abilities in learning English language. This learning model follows a three-phase cycle model which includes the Forethought phase, the Performance phase, and the Reflection phase. Developing the prototype of a Self-Regulated Learning-Based Learning Model for Junior High School English participants follows the ADDIE Model. This development model has 5 stages: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. However, there are only three stages of the ADDIE Model implemented in the research, namely Analysis, Design, and Development. &nbsp;Through this study, the prototype of a SRL-based Learning Model is developed. The implications of this prototype are (1) teachers becoming more aware to facilitate students’ learning English with learning strategies, and (2) students are rather more goal and strategy-oriented since they implement the SRL in order to get better achievement.</p> 2025-02-20T03:34:28+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Cayandrawati Sutiono, Novita Triana, Elvina Arapah, Sirajuddin Kamal Measuring Self on Social Media: Adapting the Facebook User Self Presentation Instrument 2025-02-21T06:54:42+00:00 Gemelly Alvani Ninik Setiyowati Kukuh Setyo Pambudi Basma Tania Aimie Amiera Azureen binti Nor Azmi <p>Self-presentation is conveying or communicating information about an individual, how they perceive something, and how individuals can influence the feelings of others who have about themselves. Self-presentation carried out by individuals presents themselves differently from the authentic self, including the authentic self, the ideal self, and the false self in social media interaction. This study aims to test the validity of the Self-Presentation instrument on Facebook users. This instrument measures how Facebook users present themselves on the platform. A total of 324 Facebook users participated in this study. Data were collected through an online questionnaire. The analysis showed that the Self-Presentation instrument's initial measurement model did not meet the fit criteria. Therefore, modifications were made by eliminating items with low factor loadings and high residual variance. After modification, the measurement model of the Self-Presentation instrument showed a good fit with a GFI value of 0.993, RMSEA of 0.088, CFI of 0.973, and TLI 0.949.</p> 2025-02-20T07:44:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Gemelly Alvani, Ninik Setiyowati, Kukuh Setyo Pambudi, Basma Tania, Aimie Amiera Azureen binti Nor Azmi The Effect of Building Area and Cost on the Accuracy of Cost Estimation in State Buildings 2025-02-21T09:02:40+00:00 Djoko Subagijo Imam Wahyudi Jujuk Kusumawati <p>Accurate cost estimation during the conceptual stage is crucial in ensuring effective budget allocation and reducing financial risks in government building projects. In Indonesia, especially Jakarta, the cost estimation process for government buildings is essential to optimize resource distribution. However, challenges persist in improving the precision of these estimations, particularly regarding how building area and construction cost impact the estimation process. This study employs multiple regression analysis to examine the relationship between the building area, construction cost, and the accuracy of conceptual cost estimations in Indonesian government building projects. The study was conducted using a sample of 100 completed projects in Jakarta. The regression analysis results reveal that both the building area and construction cost significantly negatively impact cost estimation accuracy, with a combined explanatory power of 58%. An increase in the building area and construction cost corresponds to more significant deviations in the estimated cost from the actual figures. The study highlights the need for more advanced estimation methodologies and standardized practices to improve accuracy in cost estimation. The findings offer practical recommendations to policymakers and construction professionals, suggesting ways to enhance cost estimation accuracy in the public sector, ultimately leading to better resource allocation and more successful project outcomes.</p> 2025-02-21T09:00:24+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Djoko Subagijo, Imam Wahyudi, Jujuk Kusumawati