International Journal of Management2025-02-05T07:28:39+00:00Novianita Rulandarinovia@ilomata.orgOpen Journal Systems<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The </span><strong>Ilomata International Journal of Management</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">, with ISSN: <a href="">2714-8963</a> (online) and <a href="">2714-8971</a> (print), is a leading <a href="">open-access</a>, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research in the field of management science. Since its inception, the journal has remained committed to advancing knowledge across both private and public sectors, business management, finance, education, communication, logistics, human resources, and hospitality and tourism. Managed by the </span><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">Yayasan Sinergi Kawula Muda</span></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, this journal upholds rigorous standards in scholarly publishing, providing a platform for original research articles, technical papers, and case studies.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Published quarterly in collaboration with the </span><a href=""><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Asosiasi Ilmu Manajemen Kewirausahaan dan Bisnis Indonesia</span></em></a><span style="font-weight: 400;">, the </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ilomata International Journal of Management</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> is dedicated to creating a globally accessible resource for scholars and practitioners in management science. This journal’s aim is to foster interdisciplinary perspectives and to advance understanding of contemporary management practices that are essential to addressing complex challenges in various industries.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">As an indexed journal in <a href="">Science Technology Index (SINTA) Indonesia</a>, <a href="">Garba Referral Digital (GARUDA)</a>, <a href="">Google Scholar</a>, <a href=";from_ui=yes">Crossref</a>, and <a href="">Dimensions</a>, the </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ilomata International Journal of Management</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> is widely recognized and cited, with a notable presence in the <a href="">Scopus database</a>. With its commitment to providing free and unlimited access to its articles, the journal ensures that researchers, educators, and industry professionals can benefit from the latest insights without publication fees, enhancing knowledge-sharing and global accessibility.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ilomata International Journal of Management</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> invites contributions that align with its broad focus on management science, encompassing empirical research, theoretical analysis, and comprehensive reviews. This journal serves as an invaluable resource for lecturers, academics, and practitioners specializing in management, providing a foundation for collaboration, innovation, and applied research across disciplines in the field of management.</span></p> <p><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400;">Please read further explanations of our focus and scope</span></a></p> Role of Social Entrepreneurs in Increasing Sustainability Values through Good Governance Practices: Case Study of Pesona Plastic in Bali 2024-12-30T09:46:54+00:00Kadek Velia Sita Devi Wiryanaveliasitta@gmail.comLuh Putu<p>This research explores the role of social entrepreneurs in creating social impact through implementing good governance. Social entrepreneurs often combine business goals with social missions, using sustainable business models to address social issues such as poverty, the environment, and education. Good governance is the key to success because it ensures transparency, accountability, and inclusive participation in decision-making. This qualitative research highlights how good governance practices can strengthen the legitimacy and sustainability of social enterprises and increase positive impacts in society, especially in Bali. This research explores the role of social entrepreneurs in creating sustainable social impacts through the Theory of Change approach and the Penta Helix model. Theory of Change is used to formulate effective social transformation strategies by identifying the ultimate goal and the critical steps needed to achieve it. Meanwhile, the Penta Helix model facilitates collaboration between five key elements—government, academics, business, community, and media—to strengthen the social innovation ecosystem. This research highlights how social entrepreneurs can utilize these two approaches to strengthen good governance, increase accountability, and expand positive impacts on society through inclusive and sustainable partnerships.</p>2024-12-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 kadek Velia Sita Devi wiryana Influence of Work Environment, Workload, and Transformational Leadership on Employee Retention at Dira Café Kencong in Jember Regency2024-12-23T09:04:00+00:00Mirza Hidayatul Cameliamirzacamelia221@gmail.comEko Budi<p>High employee turnover is a significant challenge for the service industry, including the culinary sector such as Dira Café Kencong in Jember Regency. A non-conducive work environment, unbalanced workload, and less than inspiring leadership are often the main factors in low employee retention. This research aims to analyze the influence of Work Environment, Workload, and Transformational Leadership on employee retention simultaneously or partially. The research method used is quantitative with a multiple linear regression approach. Data was collected from 75 employees through a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were tested. The research results show that the three independent variables have a significant influence on employee retention, with Transformational Leadership as the most dominant variable. Simultaneously, Work Environment, Workload, and Transformational Leadership explained 34.9% of the variation in employee retention. These results emphasize the importance of creating a supportive work environment, managing workload effectively, and strengthening a transformative leadership style to increase employee loyalty.</p>2024-12-23T08:08:21+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mirza Hidayatul Camelia Muslimin Influence of Rewards, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Culture, and Employee Engagement on Employee Retention Rates at Karunia Damai Sejati (KDS) Department Store Genteng2024-12-23T09:03:24+00:00Andiyan Ryamustikaandiyanryamustika@gmail.comPawestri<p>Employee retention is one of the main challenges in human resource management, especially in the retail sector which has a high turnover rate. This research aims to analyze the influence of Rewards, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Culture, and Employee Engagement on employee retention levels at Karunia Damai Sejati (KDS) Department Store Genteng. This research uses quantitative methods with a causal approach. The research population was all 65 KDS employees, using a total sampling technique. Data was collected through questionnaires and analyzed using multiple linear regression. The research results show that Rewards and Job Satisfaction have a significant influence on employee retention, with ttt values of 2,764 (p=0.008) and 3,834 (p=0.000), respectively. However, Organizational Culture (t=0.539, p=0.592) and Employee Engagement (t=1.442, p=0.155) did not have a partially significant effect. Simultaneously, these four independent variables have a significant effect on employee retention (F=30.527, p=0.000), with an R2 value of 0.671, indicating that 67.1% of the variation in employee retention can be explained by these variables. This research emphasizes the importance of Rewards and Job Satisfaction as priorities in strategies to increase employee retention.</p>2024-12-23T08:59:12+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Andiyan Ryamustika Andi Jarot Sukoco Influence of Spiritual Leadership Style, Motivation, and Organizational Culture on the Performance of Employees at BAPPEDA (Regional Development Planning Agency) of Jember Regency Government2024-12-23T08:24:07+00:00Nanda Dwi Herawatidwiherawatinanda@gmail.comWenny Murtalining<p>Employee performance is one of the main factors that determine an organization's effectiveness in achieving goals, especially in the public sector, such as the BAPPEDA Jember Regency. However, challenges such as weak motivation, suboptimal implementation of organizational culture, and non-integrated leadership styles often become obstacles to achieving maximum performance. This research aims to analyze the influence of Spiritual Leadership Style, Motivation, and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance at BAPPEDA Jember Regency. The research uses quantitative methods with a survey approach. Data was collected through a questionnaire distributed to all BAPPEDA Jember Regency employees using a total sampling technique with 53 respondents. Data analysis was carried out using multiple linear regression to test the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The research results show that, partially, spiritual leadership style and motivation have a significant influence on employee performance, while organizational culture does not have a significant influence. Simultaneously, these three variables have a significant influence on employee performance, with a contribution of 79.9% (R² = 0.799). This research concludes that strengthening motivation and implementing leadership based on spiritual values is very important to improve employee performance. Meanwhile, the development of a more adaptive organizational culture needs to be strengthened to support sustainable organizational performance.</p>2024-12-23T08:24:07+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nanda Dwi Herawati, Wenny Murtalining Tyas, Pawestri Winahyu Purchase Intention Affected by Visual Social Media Marketing, Co-Branding, and Consumer Brand Engagement?<p>Indonesia's footwear industry has experienced</p> <p>notable growth, particularly in the SME sector, creating opportunities for local brands like Aerostreet. This study examines the impact of visual social media marketing and co-branding on purchase intention, with consumer brand engagement as a mediating factor. The research used purposive sampling to select 227 respondents familiar with the Aerostreet brand, collecting data through a structured questionnaire. The investigation used Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to test the suggested hypotheses. The findings show that visual social media marketing positively and significantly impacts purchase intention. And enhances consumer brand engagement. Co-branding contributes positively to brand engagement, although it does not directly impact purchase intention. Nonetheless, brand engagement significantly influences purchase intention, serving as a mediator both between co-branding and purchase intention, and between social media visual marketing and purchase intention.</p>2024-12-24T07:53:43+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 waldi Zamin The Impact of Face Consciousness and Acquisition Centrality on Counterfeit Buying Intention: The Mediation and Moderation Model2024-12-24T08:03:00+00:00Shifa<p>This research explores how face consciousness and acquisition centrality influence intentions to purchase counterfeit goods, with counterfeit attitude serving as a mediator and perceived anonymity as a moderator. This study utilized a survey method and included 284 Indonesian customers. Data was evaluated using SmartPLS software and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results show that face consciousness has a negative effect on counterfeit attitudes (β = -0.180, p < 0.003), while acquisition centrality has a positive impact (β = 0.802, p < 0.000). Additionally, counterfeit attitude mediates the relationship between these factors and buying intentions. Perceived anonymity moderates these relationships by weakening the connection between face consciousness and counterfeit attitude (β = -0.114, p < 0.020) but enhancing the link between acquisition centrality and counterfeit attitude (β = 0.326, p < 0.000). These findings show that social concerns and materialistic values strongly influence attitudes and intentions toward counterfeit products. Practical consequences include targeted consumer education to diminish the counterfeit appeal and promote the value of genuine products. Policymakers are asked to tighten restrictions and raise awareness of the economic and ethical consequences of counterfeit products. Marketers can use these data to differentiate their products and appeal to consumers' demand for authenticity.</p>2024-12-24T07:58:34+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Shifa Aprilliani - Influence of Employer Branding and Employee Value Proposition on Employee Engagement and Retention at Qara’a Technology Startup2024-12-24T09:53:31+00:00Maharani<p>In a competitive business environment, the ability to attract and retain quality talent is critical to the success of startup companies. This study explores the role of employer branding and employee value proposition (EVP) on employee engagement and retention in startup companies in Pontianak City. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and document analysis to measure their perceptions of Employer branding and EVP practices and their impact on engagement and retention levels. The results of this study reveal that Qara'a's startup employer branding, based on the dimensions of interest value, social value, economic value, development value, and application value, can increase employee engagement and retention. Furthermore, the application of Qara'a's employee value proposition is packaged attractively and by employee expectations so that the EVP can increase the engagement and retention of Qara'a startup employees.</p>2024-12-24T08:10:24+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Maharani Usman, Karsim, Mazayatul Mufrihah, Ahmad Shalahuddin, Hasanudin Implementation Scorecard on MSME Kacang Hijau Ajeng: Impact on Employee Performance and Economic Growth in Southeast Aceh2024-12-24T07:49:49+00:00Elsa Putrielsaputri0901@gmail.comLaylan Fadhilah Ahmad<p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kualitas kinerja karyawan dalam kontribusinya terhadap peningkatan perekonomian pada Usaha Kacang Ijo Ajeng. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan sumber data primer. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan lima informan yang terlibat pada penelitian ini. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi baru (novelty) dalam literatur yang ada, khususnya terkait dengan perspektif keuangan yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Lebih dari itu, aspek keuangan tidak hanya berfokus pada produktivitas perusahaan dari sisi aktiva, tetapi juga memberikan dampak signifikan pada kinerja karyawan. Dan pada perspektif pelanggan, adanya permasalahan dalam pola komunikasi yang kurang baik terhadap sesama karyawan di Usaha Kacang Ijo Ajeng, mengakibatkan perspektif pelanggan menurunkan penjualan sehingga tidak tercapainya peningkatan perekonomian. Kemudian pada perspektif proses bisnis internal, Usaha Kacang Ijo Ajeng selalu melakukan perbaikan pada kualitas produk. Akan tetapi dilihat dari sisi kinerja karyawannya, Usaha Kacang Ijo Ajeng belum melakukan pengembangan karyawan secara on the job / pelatihan karyawan secara berkala, kemudian layanan purna jual yang kurang baik, serta minimnya keterampilan dan pengetahuan karyawan. Dalam hal perkembangan, para karyawan belum menunjukkan sikap positif terhadap peningkatan kinerja perusahaan karena perusahaan kurang mendorong mereka untuk terus belajar dan berkembang</p> <p>The aim of this research is to evaluate the quality of employee performance in its contribution to improving the economy at Ajeng's Ijo Bean Business. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with primary data sources. Data were collected through interviews with five informants involved in this study. This research provides a novelty contribution in the existing literature, especially related to the financial perspective which is very influential on company performance. Moreover, the financial aspect does not only focus on the company's productivity in terms of assets, but also has a significant impact on employee performance. And in the customer perspective, there are problems in poor communication patterns with fellow employees at Ajeng's Kacang Ijo Business, resulting in the customer perspective reducing sales so that an economic improvement is not achieved. Then in the perspective of internal business processes, Ajeng's Kacang Ijo Business always makes improvements to product quality. However, in terms of employee performance, Ajeng's Kacang Ijo Business has not carried out employee development on the job / regular employee training, then poor after-sales service, and lack of employee skills and knowledge. In terms of development, employees have not shown a positive attitude towards improving company performance because the company does not encourage them to continue learning and developing.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-24T07:48:04+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Elsa Putri, Laylan Syafina, Nur Fadhilah Ahmad Hasibuan Influence of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Justice on Intention to Stay with Mediated Work Engagement2024-12-24T09:48:06+00:00Gregorius Deri Saputragregoriusderisaputra@gmail.comGiriatigregoriusderisaputra@gmail.comHasanudingregoriusderisaputra@gmail.comAhmad<p>Good leadership and organizational justice will increase the desire to stay in the company, and job attachment will reinforce this. This study analyzes the effect of transformational leadership and organizational justice on intention to stay, mediated by job attachment. This study uses quantitative methods, with a population of CU employees in West Kalimantan and a sample of 202 people taken through probability sampling with a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis tools using Smart PLS 4.0. used to process data and perform analysis steps. The results showed that transformational leadership does not directly affect the intention to stay but significantly affects job attachment. Job attachment also mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational justice on intention to stay.</p>2024-12-24T09:47:27+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gregorius Deri Saputra, Giriati, Hasanudin, Ahmad Shalahuddin Role of Brand Awareness as A Mediator in the Relationship Between Entertainment and eWOM on Brand Loyalty: An Analysis of Social Media Marketing Content.2024-12-27T02:52:52+00:00Anton Nuryulia<h1>This study examines the influence of social media marketing activities, specifically entertainment and eWOM (electronic word-of-mouth), on brand loyalty, with brand awareness as a mediating factor. The main objective of this study is to explore how entertainment and eWOM influence brand loyalty through brand awareness in the context of fashion product marketing on TikTok social media. This study used a quantitative method with purposive sampling, involving 120 respondents who were surveyed through questionnaires. Results show that entertainment and eWOM significantly increase brand awareness, which in turn has a positive impact on brand loyalty. In addition, brand awareness fully mediates the relationship between entertainment and eWOM regarding brand loyalty. Entertainment on TikTok can create an emotional attachment with consumers, while eWOM serves as organic marketing that influences consumer decisions. Therefore, to increase brand loyalty, brands should create entertaining content and encourage consumers to share their positive experiences through eWOM. In conclusion, brand awareness plays an important role in building brand loyalty, and engaging content marketing and strong social interaction can increase brand awareness and consumer loyalty on social media platforms such as TikTok.</h1>2024-12-27T02:52:24+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anton Prasetyo, Aflit Nuryulia Praswati Influence of Live Streaming, Flash Sale, and Free Shipping Programs on Generation Z’s Impulsive Buying with Positive Emotion as the Role of Meditating2025-01-17T08:46:43+00:00Daffa Fernanda<h1><span lang="EN-US">The rapid growth of e-commerce has revolutionized consumer behavior, especially among Generation Z. who are highly engaged with digital platforms and interactive shopping experiences. This study examines the influence of live streaming, flash sales, and free shipping programs on impulsive buying behavior, with positive emotion serving as a meditating factor. Using data acquired from 326 Generation Z consumers through an online questionnaire, the research used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to investigate the correlations between these variables. The findings reveal that all three marketing strategies—live streaming, flash sales, and free shipping—significantly influence impulsive buying. Positive emotion plays a critical meditating role, enhancing the effect of these strategies on spontaneous purchases. Live streaming was found to be the most influential, generating strong emotional responses that drive impulsive buying, followed by flash sales and free shipping. These results offer valuable insights for e-commerce retailers aiming to engage Generation Z through emotionally driven marketing strategies. The study underscores the importance of leveraging positive emotional triggers to increase consumer engagement and impulsive buying behavior in the digital marketplace.</span></h1>2024-12-31T01:33:21+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Daffa Fernanda Aqsa, Titik Rosnani, Wenny Pebrianti, Ramadania, Heriyadi Profitability Through Green Finance, CSR, and Capital Structure: The Moderating of The Board of Directors 2024-12-30T02:26:28+00:00Dela Amiartidelaamiarti@gmail.comYulyanti<p>This study aims to examine the effects of implementing green finance, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and capital structure on profitability, with the board of directors as a moderating variable. The research focuses on energy sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2019 to 2023.</p> <p>The combination of green finance with corporate social responsibility (CSR) in this study is uncommon in previous studies. In this case, green finance is more concerned with the environment, whereas corporate social responsibility (CSR) is more focused on social issues.</p> <p>Conducted as a quantitative study, the sample selection employed purposive sampling. Secondary data was collected from annual reports and sustainability reports, accessed via and the respective companies' official websites</p> <p>The study’s findings reveal that green finance does not significantly impact profitability, while CSR has a positive and significant effect on profitability. Capital structure, on the other hand, has a significant negative impact on profitability. As a moderating variable, the board of directors does not moderate the relationship between green finance and profitability. However, it weakens the positive impact of CSR on profitability and strengthens the negative impact of capital structure on profitability.</p> <p>The implications of this study provide empirical insights into the influence of green finance, CSR, and capital structure on profitability levels. Additionally, the interaction effect analysis suggests that the board of directors plays a strategic role in decision-making related to resource allocation with a sustainability orientation.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dela Amiarti, Yulyanti Fahruna, Wendy, Giriati, Mustaruddin Impact of Investment Performance as a Moderator on Institutional Ownership, CSR, Investment Opportunity Set, and Firm Value2024-12-30T07:45:30+00:00Vinsensius Vemasvemasvinsensius06@gmail.comNur Afifahvemasvinsensius06@gmail.comAnggraini Syahputrivemasvinsensius06@gmail.comHelma Malinivemasvinsensius06@gmail.comAnwar<p>Using investment performance as a moderator, this study seeks to ascertain how Institutional Ownership, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and Investment Opportunity Set (IOS) influence the value of a firm. One significant factor that can explain whether a firm's state is favorable or unfavorable in the eyes of investors is its firm value. The percentage of institutional ownership, CSR disclosure, IOS, and investment performance are some elements that determine firm value. A quantitative strategy was used as the research methodology in this study. Secondary data from business sustainability and financial reports is used in the data collection. Purposive sampling was employed to collect research data from companies in the energy and mineral sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2019–2023. SPSS 25 and Eviews 12 software were utilized for data processing, while multiple regression model analysis and the traditional assumption test were used for testing. The study's results suggest that IOS significantly increases business value, while institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility (CSR) have a positive but minimal impact. When Investment Performance moderates CSR, it has a negative and insignificant effect on Firm Value. Conversely, Institutional Ownership and IOS, which Investment Performance regulates, exhibit a substantial positive impact.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-30T07:45:29+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Vinsensius Vemas, Nur Afifah, Anggraini Syahputri, Helma Malini, Anwar Azazi Generation Z Consumers’ Manners on Green Purchase Behavior Regarding Reusable Product2024-12-30T08:23:38+00:00Adhinda Dwi Oprilyaniadhindadwi3@gmail.comHelma<p>This research examines Generation Z's attitudes towards green purchasing behavior, with particular attention to the use of reusable products, amidst the growing issue of plastic waste in Indonesia. Generation Z's particular drive to choose sustainable purchasing provides an in-depth look at green consumption patterns. In the face of major challenges from single-use plastics, this study analyzes the influence of environmental concern and green brand knowledge on Generation Z's intention and action to purchase reusable products. Unlike previous research, this study pays special attention to generation Z, a group that has rarely been the focus in discussing the influence of these factors. A total of 264 generation Z respondents in Pontianak were surveyed in this study, which was analyzed through a quantitative approach using SEM with the help of SmartPLS 3 software. This study found that environmental concern and green brand knowledge significantly influence green purchase intention, which in turn positively influences green purchase behavior, with green purchase intention as a key mediator. The results indicate that a strategic approach that promotes environmental concern and green brand knowledge has the potential to encourage green consumption behavior and support sustainable practices.</p>2024-12-30T08:23:38+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Adhinda Dwi Oprilyani Oprilyani, Helma Malini, Barkah, Erna Listiana, Harry Setiawan of Personal Financial Distress: Testing the Interaction Effect of Financial Self-efficacy2024-12-30T09:24:27+00:00Cinthia<p>Several students face financial distress that impacts their performance, mental health, academic progress, and difficulty achieving their financial obligations. Some factors, such as differential needs, cause females to have higher levels of personal financial distress than males. Financial Literacy affects the level of personal financial distress among undergraduate students. Lack of financial Literacy, uncertain income, and excessive anxiety can cause some mistakes in making financial decisions and end up with personal financial distress. This study aims to ascertain correlation between gender, income, anxiety, financial literacy and personal financial distress, and examines the moderating effect of financial self-efficacy. This study using quantitative research methodology, the data was tested using SPSS software. The findings of this study indicate that low income, anxiety, and financial literacy significantly affect personal financial distress. financial self-efficacy only moderates the relationship between financial literacy and personal financial distress. Undergraduate students with high financial literacy supported with high financial self-efficacy can reduce their risk of experiencing personal financial distress. Educational institutions can use these findings to design financial education programs to improve student welfare. This study is limited by the sample may not represent the wider population. For future researchers are recommended to using a larger scope of respondents and more predictors.</p>2024-12-30T08:08:40+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Cinthia Angelica, Heriyadi, Wendy, Giriati, Mustaruddin Impact of Firm-Generated and User-Generated Content on Brand Loyalty on TikTok: The Role of Trust and Engagement2025-01-02T06:50:28+00:00Burhanhbur355@gmail.comErna Bagus<h1>TikTok, a leading social media platform with Indonesia as the world's second largest user (113 million active users). Speeds successfully utilized TikTok as a digital marketing strategy, recording sales of 12,733 seats with revenue of Rp 648.21 billion. The platform is effective because it facilitates authentic interactions between brands and consumers. This study seeks to analyze the unique effects of firm-generated content (FGC) and user-generated content (UGC) on brand loyalty inside a particular social media platform. This study specifically examines the relationship between FGC and UGC regarding brand loyalty for Speeds items on TikTok, while analyzing the mediating effects of brand trust and social media brand engagement (SMBE). The research has a quantitative design utilizing a survey methodology. A purposive sample of 217 respondents was obtained from active TikTok users. Data analysis was performed with AMOS 22 software and structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings demonstrate that both FGC and UGC significantly affect the development of social media brand engagement, hence enhancing brand loyalty. The mediating influence of brand trust reveals a more complex relationship that requires further examination. These results align with previous research highlighting social media content's crucial role in strengthening consumer-brand relationships, particularly in environments of heightened consumer engagement.</h1>2024-12-31T05:02:58+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Burhan, Erna Listiana, Bintoro Bagus Purmono, Nur Afifah, Harry Setiawan How Fast-Fashion Brands Changed Garment Industry Landscape: Study Case On Relationship Of Garment Factories And Sewing Thread Suppliers In Jakarta, Banten And West Java2025-01-02T06:46:35+00:00Ryzky Ezni<p><em>The garment industry is currently facing considerable challenges in meeting the demands of overseas buyers. The fast fashion trend has shortened garmen production cycles and forced garmen factories to work with reliable suppliers, especially sewing thread suppliers, to fulfil the production needs of garmen factories in a short period of time. This research emphasises the importance of building strategic partnerships between garmen factories and sewing thread suppliers within the framework of B2B marketing relationships to ensure an effective and sustainable supply chain. Previous research states that there is a positive influence between commitment, trust, and relative dependence on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in distributor and seller relationships. This study builds a model to further analyse the influence of Affective Commitment, Instrumental Commitment, Capability-based Trust, Benevolence-based Trust, and Relative Dependence factors to achieve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the relationship between garmen factories and sewing thread suppliers. The research method used is quantitative method with data collection through surveys sent to garmen factories located in Banten, West Java, and DKI Jakarta Provinces. Data analysis was conducted using SmartPLS to determine the relationship between the research variables.The findings of this study state that Affective Commitment, Instrumental Commitment, Capability-based Trust, and Benevolence-based Trust can increase customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, but relative dependence was found to have no significant effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. These findings provide new insights for companies in developing their business strategies.</em></p>2024-12-31T08:28:19+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ryzky Pamungkas, Tengku Ezni Balqiah of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises Perception of Financing Channeled by Sharia Peer-to-Peer Lending2024-12-31T08:24:38+00:00Alya Abdul Ramadhanialiyaabdoel@gmail.comMuhammad Ikhsan<p>This research aims to research and analyze MSME perceptions of financing distributed by Peer To Peer Lending Sharia Lending in Medan City. This research uses a qualitative approach method using primary data through interviews and secondary data obtained from statistical data issued by the Financial Services Authority and Bank Indonesia as well as through literature analysis. The results of this research show that people who carry out sharia fintech financing mostly understand the financing carried out in Sharia Fintech Peer to Peer Lending starting from the product, mechanism and sharia compliance in Peer To Peer Lending Sharia Lending.</p>2024-12-31T08:15:52+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Alya Abdul Ramadhani, Muhammad Ikhsan Harahap, Nurul Inayah Research Map of Technology-Based Digital e-CRM: A Bibliometric Analysis to Identify Innovations and Future Trends2025-01-08T02:29:55+00:00Fitrina Lestarifitrinalestari@upi.eduAgus Rahayuagusrahayu@upi.eduHeny<p>This research investigates the progression of technology-driven digital e-CRM systems, focusing on three primary goals: uncovering research patterns, assessing the impact of technological advancements on e-CRM growth, and identifying future research prospects. The study also seeks to confirm hypotheses regarding the increasing emphasis on technology in e-CRM, the transformative effects of merging e-CRM with e-commerce and digital marketing, and emerging opportunities in analytics, and data security. A bibliometric examination of Scopus-indexed publications was performed using vosviewer application. The datasets were refined through three queries related to e-CRM concepts, technological innovations, and customer outcomes, resulting in 623, 60, and 14 documents, respectively. The results unveil significant trends, including the incorporation of Big Data and predictive analytics for data-informed decision-making, the implementation of AI and machine learning for customization and automation, the integration of social media into CRM strategies to boost engagement, the synergy between e-CRM, e-commerce, and digital marketing for omnichannel experiences, and the shift towards scalable cloud-based CRM systems. These findings validate the hypotheses, underscoring the crucial role of technological progress in reshaping e-CRM and enhancing customer experiences. Future research opportunities encompass advancing sentiment analysis for social media, harnessing IoT for real-time engagement, and tackling data privacy challenges to foster trust. Although limited to bibliometric methods and Scopus data, this study contributes to the existing literature by mapping e-CRM research trends, offering practical insights for professionals, and suggesting future directions aligned with emerging technologies and global challenges, thus emphasizing the strategic importance of aligning e-CRM innovation with evolving consumer needs.</p>2025-01-08T02:29:32+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fitrina Lestari, Agus Rahayu, Heny Hendrayati Strategies for Small Culinary Businesses: A Case Study of Kopi Kesayangan in Medan City 2025-01-15T07:34:28+00:00Fauzan Habibfauzanhabib1302@gmail.comWaizul<p>This research aims to explore the development strategies carried out by small businesses at Kopi Kesayangan. To attract potential consumers by using intensive marketing strategies and prioritizing product identity and taste quality so that the public better knows them. A qualitative approach was used through data collection using literature studies, observations, and interviews. The research data analysis technique uses Ansoff Matrix analysis in development strategies to increase company income and attract potential new consumers. Kopi Kesayangan provides innovative tea variant products such as Thai tea. It also develops markets other than the campus area. It has outlets with their characteristics, with different characteristics being an attraction so that potential consumers are interested in buying and maintaining product quality to retain existing consumers.</p>2025-01-14T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 fauzan habib habib, waizul qarni Challenges in Village Fund Management: Effects on Tourism Village Community Welfare2025-01-15T07:57:40+00:00I Made Wayan Putu Sucana Made Made Adi<h1 style="margin-top: 6.0pt; text-align: justify; tab-stops: 251.25pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Garamond',serif; color: windowtext;">This study describes the bureaucratic challenges in managing village funds and their impact on welfare improvement in the tourism village community by taking Badung Regency in Bali as the case study. Specifically, it examines how government role, governance, and social capital may influence fraud and economic performance in determining community welfare improvement. In this quantitative study, data were obtained from 150 respondents who used structured questionnaires with a Likert scale ranging from 1-5. Data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS 3). The results indicated that governance and social capital significantly enhance economic performance and welfare at the community level and reduce fraud. Financial performance at the district/municipality level mediates the positive influence of governance and social capital on welfare at the community level. In contrast, fraud negatively mediates the impact of governance on economic performance. These findings emphasize the need to strengthen governance, build social capital, and minimize fraud to maximize village funds for sustainable community development in tourism villages. The study provides actionable insight into how policymakers and stakeholders can improve village fund management and enhance rural welfare.</span></h1>2025-01-15T07:54:28+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 I Made Sumada, I Wayan Putu Sucana Aryana, I Made Kartika, I Made Adi Suwandana, Yudistira Adnyana Market Dynamics: A Bibliometric Lens on Innovation and New Product Strategy Trends 2025-01-20T03:33:30+00:00Wiji Safitriwijisafitri@upi.eduAgus Rahayuagusrahayu@upi.eduHeny<p>Innovation and New Product Strategy are an important part of the marketing world. Increasingly dynamic consumers and increasingly competitive markets, companies are required to carry out Innovation and New Product Strategy. This is in line with the increasing publication results over the past five years on this theme. Companies need a direction for innovation and new product strategy. In addition, newness is needed in innovation and new product strategy. This study aims to identify trends regarding Innovation and New Product Strategy in Marketing. Furthermore, to find newness in the theme. This study uses bibliometric analysis to find trends and newness in research on Innovation and New Product Strategy in marketing. Samples were obtained from Scopus data with the keyword Innovation and New Product Strategy in Marketing. Publications were determined in the last five years and the keywords that were limited were only for marketing. 148 documents were obtained that met the criteria for this research sample. The results of this study are research trends towards entrepreneurship and social media. While the newness for further research can connect the keyword customer behavior and new product development with the theme of Innovation and new product strategy, especially in the context of marketing.</p>2025-01-20T03:29:27+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Wiji Safitri Wiji Safitri, Agus Rahayu, Heny Hendrayati Effect of Sensory Marketing and Audio Branding on Repurchase Intention Mediated by Brand Experience2025-01-20T08:10:22+00:00Flavian<p>This study explores the influence of Sensory Marketing and Audio Branding on purchase intention among consumers of Diantara Kopi, a popular coffee shop in Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat. Sensory Marketing, which engages multiple consumer senses, plays a crucial role in shaping perceptions and purchasing behavior, while Audio Branding leverages sound to create a distinct brand identity. Using a quantitative approach, data were collected through surveys from 236 Diantara Kopi customers and analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results highlight the importance of sensory-driven branding strategies, demonstrating that a well-crafted sensory and audio experience can significantly boost consumer satisfaction and encourage repeat visits. The study provides valuable insights for businesses fostering customer loyalty through effective sensory and audio branding techniques.</p>2025-01-20T08:06:12+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Flavian Skolastika Skolastika Women Leading the Green Tourism Revolution in Balikpapan2025-02-05T07:28:39+00:00Riska<h1 style="margin-top: 0cm; text-align: justify; tab-stops: 251.25pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt; line-height: 107%; font-family: 'Garamond',serif; color: black;">This paper explores the position of women in the leading green tourism initiatives in Balikpapan, Indonesia, an eco-tourism hot spot confronting rigorous environmental issues and possibilities in sustainable development. The research examines the unique roles and difficulties in green tourism, focusing on their impact on environmental stewardship and community-driven sustainable practices. The main research question is How are women involved in and what <strong>barriers do</strong> they face towards sustainable tourism in Balikpapan? This research is novel in showcasing the singular power of women in <strong>a male-dominated industry and a call for gender-inclusive tourism development policies, a philosophy yet to be treated</strong> in the existing literature. Based on the qualitative case study method, this research was based on qualitative interviews conducted with five essential government, environment, and tourism informants’ sectors. Research shows that women are deeply involved in doing business sustainably to promote sustainable tourism, where cultural practices and traditional knowledge face ongoing cultural barriers and limited access to resources. Conclusions highlight the importance of gender-specific support, listing conducting initiatives to accommodate women, such as dedicated training in this field. The study demonstrates that helping how can women's leadership in green tourism promote sustainability development in Balikpapan as a model for other regions.</span></h1>2025-02-05T07:26:22+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Riska Andrilla, Cindy Pangemanan